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Registered Cattery Member
TICA is the world's largest genetic registry of pedigreed cats, and the world's largest registry of household pets. TICA is also the only registry in the cat fancy and dog fancy that continues to have steady growth in our number of registrations around the world, and we continue to grow in the number of members, clients and catteries on every continent.
Registered Cattery Member
The Cat Fanciers’ Association is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1906. Its objects shall be as follows: the welfare of all cats; the promotion and improvement of CFA recognized breeds of cats; the registering, recording or identifying by number or by other means the names and/or pedigrees of cats and kittens; the promulgation of rules for the management of cat shows; the licensing of cat shows held under the rules of this organization; and the promotion of the interests of breeders and exhibitors of pedigreed cats.
Full Member / Registered Cattery
The Cat Fanciers’ Federation Inc. ( C.F.F.) is one of the oldest feline registries in the United States. C.F.F. does stand for Cat Fanciers’ Federation but we are happy that it can also stand for Cats, Family and Friends.
Cat King Pin
Certified Breeder
Whether it be Information About Cat Behavior, Products, Diet, or Care, Cat Kingpin is the #1 Informational Resource and Free Community for Cat Lovers.
PawPeds Academy
Completed March 2022
General course step 1, or G1 for short, is mainly about cat ownership. It is basically for beginners, but also for more experienced breeders who later want to take the higher courses.
PawPeds Academy
Completed May 2024
The general course step 2, or G2 for short, is mainly about having a litter but also includes basic genetics and breeding plans.